Yes, you can recharge your shaver after every shave. The battery in your Philips shaver is a lithium-ion battery, which allows you to recharge it every day.
The information on this page applies to the following models: S5585/10 , S7788/55 , S7782/50 , S5587/10 , S5588/30 , S1121/41 , S3222/52 , S3122/51 , S1323/41 , S1223/41 , AT790/17 , HS8420/23 , HS8440/23 , HQ8270/17 , HQ8260/17 , HQ8290/21 , HQ8240/17 , HQ8140/16 , HQ9199/22 , HS8060/25 , HQ9190/21 , HQ8290/17 , HQ8250/17 , HS8020/33 , HS8020/17 , HS8060/24 , HS8040/17 , HQ9160/16 , HQ8150/16 , HQ8160/16 , HQ9140/16 , HQ9190/22 , HQ9170/16 . Click here to show more product numbers Click here to show less product numbers