The early months with your newborn can be very tiring, so it’s important that parents also try to get enough shut-eye.
New parents can lose between 400 and 750 hours sleep in their baby’s first year. The good news is, there are a few things you can do to help make life a bit more restful, for everyone.
Most new parents like to keep their baby close by in the early weeks. A Moses basket or small crib is ideal, as it can be moved around the house so that your baby can be where you are.
It is recommended that babies sleep in their parents’ room for the first six months, in a separate crib. However, after the first few weeks you might begin to feel a bit more relaxed about letting your little one sleep in another room. Staying connected with your baby when you’re not together is very important though and that’s where a good baby monitor can help.
Baby monitors allow you to keep an eye on your baby even when you’re not in the room. The range of monitors from Philips AVENT provides parents with extra peace of mind. Not only do they let you know when your baby is crying, but you can talk back and reassure them with your voice.
The monitors can also remotely notify you of the temperature and humidity of your baby’s room. Your baby’s sleep and relaxation can be easily affected by even the slightest variations in climate, as babies aren’t capable of efficiently regulating their own body temperatures. The latest DECT monitors mean you can keep an eye on temperature and humidity levels from anywhere in your home and check your baby’s room is comfortable and healthy.
Some babies find it easier than others to settle. Introducing a sleep-time routine such as a darkened room, a certain song or lullaby, and a baby sleeping bag instead of sheets and blankets can really help. A soother may also help to settle them. Babies have a strong instinct to suck and that simple sucking action is naturally relaxing.
Try and get your baby in the mood for sleep, but encourage them to do the ‘going to sleep’ bit alone, by saying good night and leaving the room quietly. Return to soothe if needed it but leave before your baby is completely asleep. Gradually, they’ll find it easier to settle themselves on their own. A baby who knows how to go to sleep alone nearly always sleeps through the night earlier, as it’s easier to get back to sleep. Most babies are able to sleep the whole 10 to 12 hour night at around 6 to 7 months.
It can take a bit of time to learn good sleeping habits, but persevere and you will soon see the results.
Please be aware that the information given in these articles is only intended as general advice and should in no way be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you or your family or your child is suffering from symptoms or conditions which are severe or persistent or you need specific medical advice, please seek professional medical assistance. Philips AVENT cannot be held responsible for any damages that result from the use of the information provided on this website.