Philips digital pathology open platform enabled for AI integration

Open AI platform strategy helps to achieve productivity and efficiency gains 

More than 35 labs use the Philips pathology solution with Ibex AI. This combined solution has shown productivity gains of up to 37%1. Philips offers an open AI (Artificial Intelligence) platform strategy. Philips was the world’s first vendor to release an IVD-labeled digital pathology systemand is helping the world move to digital pathology through the iSyntax image format for storing pathology whole slide images (WSI) and is committed to incorporate the DICOM standard.

Digital pathology: Unlock a new era of efficiency and improved patient care 

See the next generation of digital pathology products: a unique, dedicated solution for networked pathology designed to let you review and collaborate. Philips offers tools and resources for every stage of the pathology process for a comprehensive end-to-end experience with an attractive total cost of ownership per slide.

Pathology scanner SG series collaboration

Demonstrated results in digital pathology


vendor in the world to release a digital pathology system for primary diagnosis2


pathologists around the world rely on Philips digital pathology 


million+ scanned slides with Philips digital pathology


pathologists surveyed said that going digital helps and that they would never go back4

Philips has helped more than 30 labs - and counting - upgrade to fully digital operations. Using Philips digital pathology aids productivity because it eliminates time-consuming administrative tasks, reduces costs and enhances lab performance

Philips is helping pathology practices transform and scale for a seamless transition from analog to digital pathology workflows, as well as embrace the future with an open platform with broader hospital and AI integration options. 


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Secure digital pathology image sharing

Interoperability with third-party AI applications aids AI-enabled digital pathology workflows, increasing efficiency for your organization. For example, 35 pathology labs are already using the Philips pathology solution in combination with the Ibex Medical Analytics Galen AI diagnostics platform. This combined solution has been shown to result in productivity gains of up to 37%.1

Committed to an open platform for integrated diagnostics

The Software Development Kit (SDK)1 and an iSyntax File Viewer help software developers and research scientists tap into the full potential of image data stored in the iSyntax format. Going forward, Philips intends to support both DICOM and iSyntax file formats, for the Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution. This ensures a versatile solution to fulfill current and future pathology requirements so that interoperability will not be a concern for existing and new users. Cross-modality collaboration between pathology and other imaging modalities empowers integrated diagnostics and decision-making.

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DICOM file format for digital pathology

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine® (DICOM) is the international standard for medical images and related patient information. Originally developed for radiology, DICOM was recently adopted for other medical domains,including digital pathology, to promote standardization and interoperability between systems. Without a DICOM standard, each digital pathology vendor had developed its own proprietary format. 

Pathology scanner SG series collaboration
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iSyntax format for pathology images

The Pathology SDK format stores pathology whole slide images (WSI) with wavelet transformation technology that allows users to quickly zoom and pan through WSI images. Encoding and decoding can be processed in real time, and in a 25% smaller file size than other formats requiring redundant storage of lower-magnification images. iSyntax pathology format allows for medical image quality with arbitrarily high bit-depths, an unlimited number of channels, lossless and lossy compression and progressive decompression in terms of resolution and quality.

Pathology Image File Viewer

Part of the Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution (PIPS), this standalone viewer software allows users to view and annotate whole slide images (WSI) stored in the iSyntax format. It provides basic viewing (zoom and pan) and annotation functionalities for locally stored WSI files in software rendering mode. The Pathology Image File Viewer is not intended for diagnostic, monitoring or therapeutic purposes or in any other manner for regular medical practice.

Digital pathology collaboration
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Philips Pathology SDK

The Pathology SDK3 is a software development kit used to read metadata and pixel data from a file conforming to the iSyntax image format specification. Philips Pathology SDK enables software developers and research scientists to smoothly work with data stored in the iSyntax format to create innovative applications built on the strong foundation of the Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution (PIPS). Pathology SDK provides Python and C++ based interfaces and supports graphics processing unit (GPU) and central processing unit (CPU) rendering of iSyntax files.

Philips Pathology De-Identifier 

Facilitates the selection and de-identified export of WSI created in the PIPS. Philips Pathology De-Identifier allows users to query WSls available in the IMS sub-system of PIPS by applying filters on the metadata attributes associated with the WSls and cases in IMS. Pathology De-identifier de-identifies and exports the selected WSls to a target location provided by the user.

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Digital pathology video thumbnail

Digital pathology open platform technology is available on


    Pathology Scanner SG60  

    SG60 is designed to accommodate laboratories with a lean workflow and need to scan small batches of slides to achieve operational excellence and short turnaround times by scanning batches in parallel. With a high throughput, high first time right rate and load and walk away scanning, the SG60 enables you to digitize your histology samples and obtain high quality clinical diagnostic images for routine use and integrated pathology networks.


    Pathology Scanner SG300  

    SG300 is designed to accommodate laboratories for high volume labs that want to maximize scanner utilization and further reduce the total cost of ownership per slide by means of overnight scanning. With a high throughput, high first time right rate and load and walk away scanning, the SG300 enables you to digitize your histology samples and obtain high quality clinical diagnostic images for routine use and integrated pathology networks.


    Image Management System  

    Consisting of a pathology viewer and a server and storage application, Image Management System (IMS) is designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your pathology lab. The open, scalable design and new user interface integrate into your workflow and IT infrastructure environment. The IMS manages image repositories – including whole slide images (WSI) and gross images – and comprehensive LIS integration, networking, security, audit trail and archiving capabilities. Easy access to information and resources can enhance digital case review.

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1. Philips digital pathology solution in combination with the Ibex AI: Raoux, et al. Modern Pathology (2021) 34 (suppl 2): 598-599.

2. - FDA allows marketing of first whole slide imaging system for digital pathology -

3. PIPS enables iSyntax files and with the Software Development Kit (SDK), third-party companies can use this for AI capabilities.

4. Survey of 52 pathologists, lab managers and lab technicians in Europe, 2018.


The Philips Digital Pathology solution is a bundle of: Pathology Scanner Second Generation SG20/ SG60/ SG300

• Image Management System Viewer

• Image Management System Application Server and Storage Software

• High quality 27” monitor validated with the IVD solution (US only)

* Philips IntelliSite Pathology Solution (PIPS) can be used for in vitro diagnostic purposes. The system can aid pathologists to review and interpret digital images of surgical pathology slides prepared from formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue. PIPS is not available for sale in all countries. PIPS enables iSyntax files with SDK; third-party companies can use this for AI capabilities. The Software Development Kit (SDK) and File Viewer is not intended for diagnostic, monitoring or therapeutic purposes or in any other manner for regular medical practice.

Philips was the world’s first vendor to release an in vitro diagnostic (IVD)-labeled digital pathology system (both CE-IVD in 2013 and an FDA De Novo clearance in 2017).

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