Ad Hoc Test | Tool to check site and system connectivity status |
BVScope | Modality specific service application |
Chrome | Browser application |
Field Service Framework for CV | Modality specific service application accessing different subcomponents in a system |
Field Service Framework for MR | Modality specific service application accessing different subcomponents in a system |
Field Service Framework for XR | Modality specific service application accessing different subcomponents in a system |
FSF.NET (ICE, Universal) | Modality specific service application with ICE, Universal encryption security protocol |
FSF.NET (PMSSec) | Modality specifific service application with PMSSec encryption security protocol |
FTP (Active) | File Transfer Protocol (Active session) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network |
FTP (Passive) | File Transfer Protocol (Passive session) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network |
IE (GE Service Desktop) | Browser application for multi vendor support |
Internet Explorer | Browser application |
Internet Explorer (900) | Browser application over port 900 only |
Internet Explorer for ILOM | Browser application to connect with ILOM products |
LOTS (EP-ICE, Universal) | Look over the shoulder tool to remotely take over another computer with EP-ICE, Universal encryption security protocol |
LOTS (ICE, Universal) | Look over the shoulder tool to remotely take over another computer with ICE, Universal encryption security protocol |
MRDownloadLogs | Modality specifific service application for downloading logfiles |
Navigator | Browser application |
Notepad | Notepad tool |
PC Anywhere | Modality specific service tool to remotely take over another computer |
PhilipsSupportConnect | Modality specific service application accessing different subcomponents in a system |
Ping System | Tool to check system connectivity status |
Port Test | Tool to check system connectivity status |
PRS File Manager | Philips Remote Services designed File Manager tool enabling users to store data on a central PRS server |
RDP-NIH | Modality specific service tool to remotely take over another computer |
Reflection HP - Labosys | Modality specific service application |
Remote Console | Service tool to remotely take over another computer |
Remote Console (No ICE) | Service tool to remotely take over another computer |
Remote Desktop Connection | Service tool to remotely take over another computer |
Remote Desktop Sharing (lots/to) | Service tool to remotely take over another computer |
Remote Resolution Panel | Service tool to remotely take over another computer |
RemoteSilentLogin | Service tool to remotely take over another computer |
Secure FTP (Active) | File Transfer Protocol (Active session) with Secure Shell (SSH2) security encryption is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network |
Secure FTP (ICE Wrapped) | File Transfer Protocol with Secure Shell (SSH2) ICE Wrapped security encryption is astandard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over aTCP-based network |
Secure FTP (Passive) | File Transfer Protocol (Passive session) with Secure Shell (SSH2) security encryption is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network |
SecureLink | Connectivity stepping stone |
SFTP (IST) | File Transfer Protocol with Secure Shell (SSH2) IST security encryption is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network |
SSH2 (IST) | Secure Shell (SSH2) IST security encryption |
Start ICE Push | Service tool to actively force pushing a connectivity certificate |
Stop ICE Push | Service tool to disable the automated tool that ensures pushing a connectivity certificate |
Telnet | Command Line tool to access another computer remotely via TCP/IP protocol |
Telnet SSH2 | Command Line tool to access another computer remotely via TCP/IP protocol with Secure Shell (SSH2) security encryption |
Telnet SSH2 (ICE Wrapped) | Command Line tool to access another computer remotely via TCP/IP protocol with Secure Shell (SSH2) ICE Wrapped security encryption |
TJPing | Of the shelf tool to check system connectivity status |
UltraVNC | Virtual Network Computing (VNC) based tool to remotely take over another computer |
Universal Log Viewer | Modality specific service application for viewing logfiles |
VNC | Virtual Network Computing (VNC) tool to remotely take over another computer |
VNC Over SSH | Virtual Network Computing (VNC) tool to remotely take over another computer with Secure Shell (SSH2) security encryption |
Web Viewer | Modality specific service application |
Wise Tools for Unix | Modality specific service application accessing different subcomponents in a system |
XPER Remote Assistance (Direct LOTS/TO) | Modality specific service tool to remotely take over another computer |
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