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The Philips Device Management Dashboard lets you remotely diagnose problems and technical alarms on select Philips patient monitors. You can view device configuration, approximate location, network connection, and error log – all from your PC or mobile device.
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ContinueRemote diagnosis for quick action
Remote diagnosis for quick action
Remote diagnosis for quick action
Web-based access puts you in control
Web-based access puts you in control
Web-based access puts you in control
Routine maintenance made easy
Routine maintenance made easy
Routine maintenance made easy
Flexible network configurations serve your facility’s needs
Flexible network configurations serve your facility’s needs
Flexible network configurations serve your facility’s needs
Remote diagnosis for quick action
Remote diagnosis for quick action
Remote diagnosis for quick action
Web-based access puts you in control
Web-based access puts you in control
Web-based access puts you in control
Routine maintenance made easy
Routine maintenance made easy
Routine maintenance made easy
Flexible network configurations serve your facility’s needs
Flexible network configurations serve your facility’s needs
Flexible network configurations serve your facility’s needs
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