Emergency Response
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Clinical excellence
in emergency care

Philips EMS solutions help you raise the quality of your emergency care across the entire course of treatment. With reliable, uninterrupted monitoring and proven therapeutic tools, our solutions are built to help you accelerate the delivery of care at the scene. Secure data transfer also means you can send critical data for ongoing treatment.

Get more information on our EMS solutions.

fr3 engineers video teaser

Find out how our engineers created the FR3 to be easier to use, faster to shock, and better at integrating with your overall system.

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Easy to use, fast to respond

Philips EMS solutions incorporate simple, intuitive controls that help you focus on your patient and speed delivery of care.

Rich clinical information, driving patient care
Smart data integration, analysis on the spot, and secure data transfer help you speed your patient’s ongoing treatment.

Built to endure, designed for flexibility

Rugged and reliable, our EMS solutions keep working in the harshest conditions. They are highly configurable to meet both evolving care guidelines and local protocols.


How good is your CPR?

Give your team actionable information and tools to help improve the quality of their CPR performance.


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Flexible enough for career and volunteer EMS

“Our volunteer fire and rescue personnel have varying levels of experience and skills. The FRx is extremely easy to operate. Once you open the case, turn it on, and apply the pads, the voice coaching walks you through the entire process. Secondly, most of the county’s ALS providers and EMS transport agencies use the Philips HeartStart MRx ALS Monitor/Defibrillator.”

Tim Williams

Operations Chief

Shenandoah County Fire and Rescue (SCFR)

With a growing call volume, Shenandoah County Fire & Rescue (SCFR) needed to expand their reach and shorten their response time. But with an emergency team that included paid professionals and volunteer staff, they needed AEDs that were flexible enough for all expertise levels.

Find out how Shenandoah County uses Philips FRx AEDs in a system that coordinates 3 different communities, paid professionals, and volunteer fire departments.

Read the case study

Rich clinical information to drive patient care

To provide quality emergency care, you need clear, accurate, easy-to-interpret information. With predictive tools, real-time feedback, and data management that streamlines your workflow, you have the tools you need for fast, confident decisions.

Predictive tools support STEMI decision-making

The Philips DXL 12-Lead ECG algorithm supports confident STEMI decision-making and speeds triage. One score helps predict the probability a patient is suffering from acute cardiac ischemia, while another helps predict the outcome with and without thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction (AMI).


With clear, accurate, easy-to-interpret information, you can make fast, confident decisions about on-going care.


Clear feedback improves CPR compressions


When a person suffers from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has a direct effect on the outcome. The pace, depth, and degree of release between compressions all make a difference.


The Q-CPR tool analyzes your compressions. It gives you immediate, audiovisual feedback to help you deliver effective CPR.


Easy data management improves your response


Simplifying your workflow and improving your efficiency means you can focus on providing care. With solutions that can download your data and send it where it needs to go, review events for performance improvement, and wirelessly transfer data, you can focus on using your data instead of managing it.


Built to last through tough conditions


Alan Helliwell’s job is try to break products in the lab so he’s sure they won’t break in the field.

In these videos, Alan tests the HeartStart MRx. He subjects them to conditions more severe than any likely circumstances in the field. Vibrations, crashes, water… Alan makes sure the MRx can withstand it all.

Find out how far the MRx can go.

test it MRx video

How tough is an MRX?


Meet Alan and watch his first test—cable flexing. Find out how you can be sure your cables withstand packing, repacking, and adverse use conditions.

shake it rigisrough video teaser


Think your rig is rough?


Rural roads? Bad pavement? Watch how an MRx holds up under vibrations more extreme than any road-helicopter vibrations.

drop it MRx video teaser


Ever drop your equipment?


Even if you're careful, sometimes your equipment gets dropped. Watch 3 different drop tests and see how the MRx fares.

spray it MRx video teaser


Soaked in water?


Sometimes you work in water. But if your equipment gets wet, how safe is it? Find out how the MRx performs with 2 safety tests.

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